Friday, July 17, 2009

The World (2004)

Buzz cut burnt man, headphones wrapping ears, proud to be an American flag T, bikes--half deflated tires--by on sidewalk.

If L.A. presents an imitation of the world, and the world seeks to imitate L.A., does the world seek not an imitation of life but an imitation of death?

When Khrushchev blew his top on being banned from Disneyland, when he proclaimed "We will bury you," he merely mimed Angeleno America's imagineered reality of street life burial.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mouchette (1967)

Espérez plus d'espérance
Trois jours leur dit Colomb
En montrant le Ciel immense
Le fond de l'horizon
Trois jours et je vous donne un monde
A vous qui n'avez plus d'espoir
Sur l'immensité profonde
Ses yeux s'ouvraient pour le voir.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ariel (1988)

Once you decide you will be with each other forever it's quite simple:

You will have enough bullets to shoot the thugs that get in your way. And when the time comes, your dying comrade will find the little button that raises the roof on your 1965 Eldorado convertible, sheltering you from the elements.