"Once during a strike in Turin, Gramsci spoke to a conscript from Sardinia, one of the soldiers brought in to deal with the unrest in the city, who refused to believe that the workers on strike were poor people, and who told Gramsci, 'I know poor people and how they are dressed.'"--James Joll, Antonio Gramsci
Fascism roots itself in southern brother love and northern sister hate--banned in Milan for "inopportune resemblance to reality"--bare chests, bare fists cut skin for ancient boy on boy action (MMA submission: a soft tap to the elbow, knee, ankle holding the choke, fighters stand glossy eyed, cheek to cheek, palms olive oil blessing to splenius capitis) to defend rape/murder of lumpenprol.
I Love You Man's contemporary West Side Venetian--late night TV sleaze in shades lounging at helm of 30 foot SeaRay Weekender pitching quick rich rules: after making a killing in real estate, always leave others to clean up your dogshit--whose insipid electric strings of Rush underscore relentless screaming reversal of Richman's "I'm Straight," instructs the same blood bonding, full carat VS1 proposal backed by Lexus LS bluetooth compatibility, urbane burial of sewage canals, children rag picking their J. Crew lifestyle, embrace of totalitarian perfume.
Romance, a terminal perversion must be lived by confessing heartache's brightness, triumphant beauty, Death in Venice.
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