Friday, August 7, 2009

Route One USA (1989)

The design of 1988 winter defines the future Freudian twin jet plane towers, 22 year shadow (Sammy Davis mimicking Frank or better Fred--blackface on blackface--1960s Bert Williams) "Me and My..."

Fall into lost adolescence, unlocking quadrangles at 6 am alternate days 3.18/ hr pays for 300/ mo studio in ship of fools--one free night in south side lockup--holding the breath through smell of formaldehyde in Culver Hall, until the day training my replacement, we open the doors.

Indeed, a room of cadavers, the overbearing inflation of dread's illusory lightness--1950s rubber hot water bottle popping its plug, warm water puddling the linoleum tiles--becomes real.

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